Sailing The 7C’s
We’ll be getting out on the Highway to Yeah! very soon!!
The Highway to Yeah! blog is Meant to be a way to:
Share our experiences with you on our journey to find the Highway to Yeah! (H2Y)
Inspire you to follow your path to your unique version of the H2Y!
Build a community of friends, interested in a meaningful life, full of creative pursuits And Adventures
Describe how we leverage financial independence and other useful ideas for “making it” in today’s music landscape
You will find posts on our experiences and adventures in these Posts..
In essence, we’re going to “sail” the Seven C’s in a search for the Highway to Yeah!
The Seven C’s include
Cool Towns
Explore vibrant places around the world, particularly ones with groovy music scenes
Where are they?
What is it about these places that keep them thriving in this digital age of music?
Concert Venues
Go to them … enjoy them … give you the highlights
Share what we’ve learned from the most profound experiences in these places
Concert Performances
Describe the ones we attend and what made them great shows
Share performances of The Leavers’ music, too
(Traveling) Companions
Meet other musicians and those who support music scenes out on the H2Y!
Share the stories of those we meet Purusing their own version of a H2Y, and of those who come along with us on the journey
(Local) Creatures
What notable creatures are associated with stops along the H2Y?
Who are the inspiring examples emerging or connected to the places we visit?
What are their stories? What has been their influence?
We also want to share the music of musicians that have inspired us
Comforts & Costs on FIRE
How are musicians “making it” in today’s music scenes?
What seems to work, what are the lessons they’ve learned these past 20 years or so?
How can smart personal finance decisions and financial independence support musicians and creative endeavors?
Inspire you by describing how we’ve become time, location-, and financially free to Pursue our Music and authentic creative expression
Creative Output
Share ideas, insights, and inspirations we gather on our journey to the H2Y!
Share our music, thoughts on creative work and processes, updates on new releases, and other various creative projects we currently dig
Posts will commence in 2024. Join our newsletter for regular updates!